If you know me fairly well you know I have this habit of remembering the smallest of events. It was 22 years ago today I arrived at Ft. Campbell, KY, home of the Army's 101st Airborne Division and it was here i spent the next 5 years of my Air Force career, oddly enough it was 17 years ago today that I arrived in Frankfurt Germany where I spent the last year of my Air Force career which lasted a total of 6 years 7 months and 14 days -- some of the best times of my life.
Today was different because I have not been thinking about my time at either of these places, but instead my mind shifted to my last day at Chanute Air Force Base and some of the traditions we had. Every day we would get into formation and march to class, there was probably over 100 all in different phases of the class all dressed in O.D. green uniforms. Then you had the group that was in "Block Ten", graduating that day, processing out and going home before going onto your next base. We wore dress blues, marched to school on the sidewalks ahead of everyone else. If you were not in dress blues you were considered a "Pinger" and constantly reminded by those in blue that "You got more hours than I got showers". Sometimes you were given a band aid because if you were not graduating you were hurting.
So where does all this go? Well today it occurred to me that we are hours away from electing a new President it is just over 49 hours until the first polls close, and on Tuesday no matter who wins history will be made. The other thing that has been on my mind today is that we are a nation that is hurting, "Pingers" if you will, People In Need of God.
Today at church I shared on Asking God for the very best, 1Kings 3:5-12 tells about the Lord appearing to Solomon in a dream and telling him to "ask for whatever you want me to give you." First Solomon shared that the Lord had shown great kindness to his father David because David was faithful, righteous and upright in heart.
In verse 9 says "so give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?"
In verse 12 the Lord replies " I will do what you ask, I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that will have never been anyone like you, nor will there ever be."
It was as I read verse 9 aloud in church it hit me, this is what our next president needs to be praying, this is what our current president need to be praying, this is what we need to be praying for our president. As I mentioned earlier on Tuesday history will be made, and as a nation of "Pingers" our willingness to turn to God and pray or not pray and continue to run from God will determine just how the history books will read.