Heavy Metal Thunder....
A guy I work with Dave Smith is an awesome artist in my opinion and for several years several years I've wanted him to do me a custom guitar. Roughly 3 weeks ago I went to The James for an unscheduled cystoscopy. I decided then that life was to short, I along with my brother stopped at a place called Music Go Round and I bought a B.C. Rich Warlock. Before I had time to get attached to my new guitar I took it to Dave and told him what I was thinking.
The design represents what is very near to my heart. Some say the upper image looks like a dove, others a Harley logo. Truth be know it is actually a U.S. Air Force logo. If you've heard me preach or know me well, you know that probably the only thing closer to my heart than the U.S. Air Force is Jesus.
The lightening represents the power of God and the three crosses the crucifixion. As a Pastor I often looked at Christmas, Palm Sunday and Easter as "cookie cutter" sermons, the story never changes so how hard can it be? Right? Well as a Pastor you are always looking for a different angle on the "same story."
Last Easter while sharing about the crucifixion, resurrection, etc. Luke 23:39-43 spoke to me in a different way. There were three crosses on that hill, 2 sinners one each side of Jesus to whom we do not give much thought. Rather we focus on the center cross Jesus hung on.
It occurred to me that even though it may not be on a cross we all eventually face death and must choose a "cross" to bear. We can either choose to mock Jesus with our last breath or call on him as the second thief chose to do when he simply said "Lord remember me when You come into Your kingdom" to which Jesus replied "Assuredly I say to you, today you will be with Me in paradise." Which cross will you choose? Will you live or die? Check out this song, Heavy Metal Thunder by Messiah Prophet.
Love it Ralph. Your new axe, your message and of course, the song! You should have been a lifer, ya know? Maybe an Air Force Chaplain. Well... on second thought, you ARE a lifer.... in the service of Christ. :-)
It's beautiful, Ralph!
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