Thursday, January 27, 2022

Been a long haul....


As I sit here gathering my thoughts one that comes to mind is why do they call it a journey? Anyhow call it what you want it has been a long time since my story began.  June 27,2017 marked 5 years since my last treatment for bladder cancer, I’ve heard it said when you hit the five year mark you are cancer free. Let me tell you that is a lie. On June 28,2017 after a routine colonoscopy I was told I had colon cancer

So What now? My first of many stops was The James cancer hospital at  The Ohio State University Hospital in Columbus Ohio, where I was referred to a colorectal surgeon, oncologist, and and a Dr. who does radiation treatments. They all seemed to agree I would need chemo and radiation treatments 5 days a week, Monday - Friday for 6 weeks.  I lived to close to The James to get housing assistance and there was no way I could make the drive every day or even think of asking my nephew Tom to make the drive with me.  Eventually they connected me with an oncologist and radiologist in Marion Ohio where I lived.  

I was about to begin my second battle with Cancer, I know I would not have made it through my first battle  with cancer if it were not for my nephew tom. He was with me for every appointment, test, scan, and surgery a major blessing from God.

More to come about the road so far.....


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