Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans Day

Through these fields of destruction 
Baptisms of fire.

I've watched all your suffering 
as the battles raged higher.

And though they did hurt me so bad
in the fear and alarm

You did not desert me
my brothers in arms

-- Dire Straites, Brothers in Arms

Another Veterans Day has come and gone, a day to honor my "Brothers in Arms." Also a day when I go around with a bit of an attitude as many Veterans, my  Brothers and Sisters in arms who put their lives on the line worked today while many had the day off because "it's a federal Holiday"

Remember those who have served, the fallen heros, pray for those who are serving today and teach your children that it's not just "a holiday" so we get off of school.

To my brothers in arms, if you had today off I hope you enjoyed it, if you worked I hope you made the best of it, Thank you!  Be Blessed


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