When we hear the word "normal" all kinds of things come to mind. When I hear the word normal I do not think like the average person and might and say to myself "just what is normal". Instead my mind wonders back to October 1979, a group of unicycle riders carpooled to Pontiac Michigan for a one day annual competition. A good friend, Joe Clarke was home from the Marines and went with us. During a break in the races we wondered into the mall where the events were being held so Joe could get some cigarettes. Wondering around the store I noticed a sticker on a showcase that read "NORML" I pointed out that it had been misspelled. I later learned it was not misspelled but was pronounced "normal" and the letters NORML stood for the "National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws" Normal has never meant the same since.
Six months ago tomorrow my mom made her last trip to the hospital before passing away there on the 16th it has been quite the emotional roller coaster ride for me. I was out with my friend Dave Friday night, I commented about mothers day coming up and struggling about what type of message to share Sunday morning. This would be my first mothers day since my mom passed away, and as another friend shared I will have an entire year of "my first ..... without mom". I have often struggled with wanting to get everything taken care of and "get back to normal" Friday night my friend Dave pointed something out, he explained that when my mom was alive we had "normal" and since mom has passed I will never have that normal again. He shared that I would have to find a new normal. Then I realized in Gods time I'll get over the grief of not having mom and develop a new "normal" but waiting to get back to the old normal is like waiting on the bus when the bus will never show.......
I think normal may have taken on another whole new meaning, a good whole new meaning.