Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Praise the Lord!

Song or no song....
Yesterday I shared part of a Bon Jovi song, Miracle because I felt a heavy load with my mom being in the hospital.  I went around all day with another part of the song running through my head....

Gonna take a miracle, to save us this time.
And your savior has just left town.

I know this to be totally wrong, each time the line would run through my head I'd remind myself that my Savior would never leave me  and that he was gonna take me through this.  

So I went to the hospital this evening, mom was very conscious, eating well, and needing very little oxygen.  A complete turn around from yesterday.  How well is mom doing?  I've got a list of things to do about 3 pages long, she was not worried if I did not stay long to visit -- Jeopardy came on at 7.

All I can say is "God is Good"


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