Simple minds...
Was watching a TV show the other night called "don't forget the lyrics". It was charity week and they had Kevin Cronin frm REO Speedwagon, one of the songs he had to come up with the lryics for was Simple Minds, "Don't you forget about me" and of course this got mine going.
You may or may not know this song is from the 1985 movie "the Breakfast Club" While stationed Ft. Campbell Ky, there was a local radio station whose morning show was called the Breakfast Club, every day when the show ended this song wold play and it made no sense at all to me -- until I happened to rent the movie.
So I went online to look up the lyrics to the song just to get some deeper thoughts to share.
So just what are those thoughts...
Well the most well recognized line is "Don't you forget about me..." Towards the end there is another verse...
As you walk on by
Will you call my name?
As you walk on by
Will you call my name?
When you walk away.
Or will you walk away?
Will you walk on by?
Come on -- call my name
Will you call my name
If you've seen the movie it makes sense, but one thing is for sure as we go through life we see many people we know and wonder if they will walk on by or call our name.
We also walk by many people and debate the same, walk on by or call their name.
I truly believe we live in a starving world, one that is starved for acceptance and though they may not know it Jesus, just screaming inside "call my name". Jesus calls our name all the time, and weather times are good or bad the last thing he would do is walk on by.
So as you go about life you obviously would not know everyones name you pass but in a sense you can still call their name, speak to that person you normally would not, even if its just to say hello. You don't have to become their best friend, witness to them, you may never see them again. But you could give them the Blessing of acknowledging their presence and that they are part of God's creation and most importantly help feed a starving world.
Ralph, I worked with a guy named Alan for a couple of years on a high school campus. Without fail, every single time he saw me he said, "Hi Robbie." I didn't think anything of it until he left to go work at a college. Then I found myself missing Alan's ministry to me. Little did I know that he was acknowledging and ministering to me just by saying hi. It was a tiny thing, but it made a real difference in my life - made me feel something. So I like your post. I have tried to adapt Alan's Hi Ministry to my own life. You never know what God is going to use.
Loved this post! Thanks for sharing!
For some reason, this reminded me of that e-mail story that has circulated for years about the college professr who put a test question on a quiz that stated "what is the name of the cleaning lady?"
A search on Google and Snopes both turned up empty for an example (lousy Internet), but I'm sure if you haven't seen it, someon will eventually e-mail it on.
Apparently I couldn't type in my earlier reply.
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