Saturday, March 22, 2008

BreakFast is near....

Depending on where you live Resurrection Sunday is just hours away or has already arrived.  Along with this comes BreakFast, I guess I'm intentionally being a bit deceiving as it should Break Fast, as in breaking of the fast.  Easter Sunday along with the celebration of the Resurrection is the end of the season of Lent.  

I'm not one to fast from anything for Lent but do have several friends who do.  One friend who is a Pastor last year gave up pizza for Lent, he considered the end of the Easter service to be the proper time to end or "Break Fast" and after the last Amen he stepped into a room and returned with a pizza box.  I know this year he is giving up TV and has a lot waiting on Tivo.  

Some will be waiting for the midnight hour to get into that favorite food or TV program, some will decide what they had given up for Lent they can give up for life and some have long ago given up on giving up.  

I had a friend who passed away in 2006, he was a great man and I think he showed me something really special about God's love. As I remember this man would take up smoking just before Ash Wednesday, the day when the Lenton season begins.  This made it real convenient for him to give up smoking for lent.  Then one year Ash Wednesday rolled around and my friend had taken up smoking as usual, but this year he did not give up smoking for lent.  He shared with me that Jesus would still love him weather he gave up smoking for lent or not.  He smoked through lent and gave it up for good after. 

I'm not telling you to stay in a sin of choice because Jesus will still love you, or to take up a sin of choice so you can quit.  But do remember this Jesus hung on a cross and died for our sins so that we would not have to.  It is up to us to decide if we are going to keep sinning, reject Jesus as our savior and make the time He spent on the cross for us wasted time or not.

Since I did not give up anything for lent I'm off to DQ for a Brownie Earthquake :)
Have a Happy and Blessed Easter


Blogger Unknown said...

I had to laugh at your ending. You would NEVER give up DQ for Lent.

March 31, 2008 at 1:03 PM  

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