Friday, February 22, 2008

Something to believe in ...

In case you have not figured out I got another song in my head today, also if you are wondering I do listen to Christian music probably more often than not.  Remember the song Something to believe in by Poison?  Part of the chorus sticks with me ...

And give me something to believe in, if there's a Lord above
And give me something to believe in, oh Lord arise

I got online to look at the lyrics then took a chance and went to youtube and was actually able to see the video from way back when.  In the process I stumbled across some other videos and lyrics.  What strikes me most now and when the video first came out was part of the last verse...

I drive by the homeless sleeping on a cold dark street
like bodies in an open grave.
Underneath the broken old neon sign 
that used to read Jesus saves

 As I looked at various lyrics and some videos it kind of struck me that we live in a world that is searching and its not just the homeless that are like bodies in an open grave.  The  next part of the song is...

A mile away live the rich folk and I see how they're living it up
While the poor they eat from hand to mouth the rich drink from a golden cup
and it just makes me wonder why so many lose, so few win
In contrast there is a current song out....
I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame
I'd even cut my hair and change my name
Cause we all just wanna be big rock stars, 
live in hilltop houses driving 15 cars.
So where am I going?  I think the bottom line is  we are a world that is starving, has been starving and will continue to starve.  We will either starve for the world or starve for Jesus.  Those who are starving for the world can get their fill almost anyplace, those who are starving for Jesus may not even know what they are hungry for. 
If we really want to feed the poor in spirit we got to get out of our houses, out of our churches and into the streets with the word of God and the love of Jesus.  
Are we gonna talk or we gonna fish?


Blogger Michelle said...

The "final thoughts" of this post make me think of a Casting Crowns song - If We are the Body (one of my favorites). It speaks so loudly to me, and I wish more people today would listen to it's message. The chorus states:

But if we are the body, why aren't His arms reaching? Why aren't His hands healing? Why aren't His words teaching?

And if we are the body, why aren't His feet going? Why is His love not showing them there is a way? There is a way!

How true is that?!?

February 24, 2008 at 9:38 PM  

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