Monday, February 18, 2008

Young Guns....

Stop scratching your head and read!  I got another song in my head today, who knows maybe that will be the focus of this blog.  In August of 1991 the Persian Gulf  War began, at least it did for me, and because of my job in the Air Force I watched literally thousands of people get on a plane heading of to the war.  

It was about this time the movie "Young Guns Two" came out.  I don't  think there was a soundtrack but the group Bon Jovi released a CD that was "inspired" by the movie.  One song that was extremely popular with those heading off to Iran was Blaze of Glory.  It was probably part of the  chorus that sort of resonated with many 

Shot down in a blaze of glory, take me now but know the truth. Cause I'm going down in a blaze of glory.  Lord I never drew first but I drew first blood, call me young gun.

Almost seemed like everyone wanted to be the hero,  you'd seemed to hear a lot of  talk about people wanting to get their "first confirmed kill" and I'd seen people with a round of ammo tucked into their helmet saying "this ones mine because they'll never take me alive"  I also got to see a lot of these same people and their attitude as they were getting on the plane that would take them off to war.

Another popular part of the song was 

Each night I go to bed I pray the Lord my soul to keep.  I ain't looking for forgiveness but before I'm 6 foot deep.  Lord I got to ask a favor and I hope you'll understand.  Cause I've lived life to its fullest, let this boy die like a man.  Staring down a bullet let me make my final stand.

For me when I think about the song and as I read the lyrics now it kind of puts me in a mood to reflect on life,  and mostly just how good God has been.  Like the song says "I was born in sin" but God gave his son to die on a cross so I could  have eternal life  -- something else that "I
 didn't have to steal or have to win"


Blogger Robbie Iobst said...

Ralph, I've heard that song but really never paid attention to the words. Wow. I can't imagine going off to war with a willing heart to sacrifice my life. I, too, am having a pondering moment. Ouch. I can't do that often. :0)

February 21, 2008 at 11:10 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Hey there! I really enjoy your deep thoughts & take on life from a spiritual point of view. Thanks for sharing!

February 24, 2008 at 9:28 PM  

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