Being of sound mind......

You can't think about a will without death, as I debated weather to work on a will more my mind drifted to the Nickleback song "Last Day." You know I'm all about music so naturally I had to Google the lyrics and find the video on Youtube.
If you've ever thought about a will you know some things are "gimmis" , not like Pastor Gimmi or Steve, but "no brainers." One "gimmi" is that all of my Coca Cola memorabilia would go to my sister, she'd kill me if I gave it to someone else - oh wait I'm dead so no problem. Then there are the things that make you glad to be dead at the reading of the will, you guessed it -- who gets all the money? That would be one video that would go "viral" on Youtube.
Friday night I watched the movie "Bucket list" with my sister. It was her first time to watch it and my "umpteenth." Was a good time, and as always I scream "YES!" when Jack Nicholson does the flip out of the airplane.
I've watched the Nickleback video several time and read the lyrics as many. If you're looking for ideas for your "bucket list" this is a great place to start. even if you are not interested in a bucket list there are some really good thoughts on things to do.
So enough about wills, Bucket Lists and last days and on to something else we all think about from time to time --- Rockstar.
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