The making of an addict.....

It started at a very young age with a little seven ounce bottle, and grew from there. My guess is it was an ice cold bottle of Coke, and to this day nothing taste better than a naturally chilled seven ounce bottle of Coke that has been on ice all day. Tonight as I walked through the grocery store I realized the beverage companies are doing everything they can to turn us all into bigger addicts.
I looked at the shelves of soda -or pop depending on where you live, how you were raised or even your mood. I found the fuel for my addiction, Diet Mountain Dew. It was on sale, 3, two liter bottles for five dollars, a mere $1.68 a bottle. As I pushed my cart down the aisle I noticed the classic 12 ounce can, what has become the standard 20 ounce bottle, 24 ounce bottles. Then I saw something new, a 1.5 liter bottle, on sale 10 for $10, and to entice me even more the sign said "20% larger than a 1.25 liter bottle."
My first thought was "ok they can do math." Then I thought, its about money, like some smokers we will only pay so much before we cut back or quit drinking pop. So whats the answer? Smaller bottle same price. I know its been nearly fifty years since I got that first seven ounce bottle that cost maybe a quarter but even an addict has their limits.
Another way they keep us going is "free Refills" it's something we have come to expect at any restaurant and often do not consider the cost. I will admit I have noticed the cost, at Applebees the soft drink with "free refills" is $2.49 - but still splurge.
So I guess I would ask, have you been priced out of your addiction? Not me- but I can quit anytime I want :)
Labels: addict, Applebee's, Coke, Diet Dew, Mountain Dew, Pepsi
Nope. Not me. I buy my 2 liter Diet Mt. Dew at the Dollar Store for...well, not a dollar.. a $1.25 per bottle. That's pretty close to a buck! I always have a supply in my pantry. PLUS.. I always buy my 20 ouncers during the day at BP or Meijers gas stations. 2 for $2.50 for those throwaways. My name is Bud Burke, and I am a Dewaholic.
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