Saturday, July 5, 2008


You've probably already guessed it.  Another 4th of July is behind us and I'm hoping the neighbor hoods have used all of their fireworks.  

4th of July celebrations have grown and changed over the years.  Some as in where I live are held in conjunction with the county fair, some a celebration all of their own.  One thing that has become popular is the addition of a "soundtrack", you know patriotic music supposedly timed with fireworks, usually put together by a local radio station and played over the same.  I barely made it last night but did get to some fireworks and the had the soundtrack also.  

There had been a rock band playing before and the guy playing guitar did the Jimi Hendrix style National Anthem, then the radio station broadcast began with the playing of the National Anthem again.  The thing that amazes me is how little respect people have for the National Anthem, especially the younger generation.  I wonder is it maybe the younger people have no respect or have their parents not taken time to teach them this small amount of respect.  

I'm a bit prejudice being an Air Force Veteran, serving during the Gulf War, many of my brothers and sisters gave their lives for the flag that so many choose to disrespect and when we choose to disrespect the flag and National Anthem  in my opinion we disrespect the men and women who have and are serving our country.  Who knows, maybe the ACLU got a ban on teaching respect for the flag in school.  

After the National Anthem came other traditional songs, Lee Greenwoods, Proud to be An American, what I call the hymns of the five branches of the military.  Some call them songs but if you have been in the military it becomes sacred.  I know some people who served in the military and did not like it, they have put it behind them and think nothing of it, thats their choice.  

One song they played that I really love is America the Beautiful, but its not the song so much as the singer -- the late great Ray Charles, anytime I hear mention of this song I think of Ray.  I'd much rather hear a recording of him singing than anything else.  

So to answer why I like it so much, well first of all I've seen him sing it and when he does he sings it with a PASSION that just touches my heart.  And another thing is on the second chorus he sings  "my God, He done shed His grace on me", every time I hear this I'm reminded of just that, God has truly shed His grace on me. to hear Ray sing this can bring tears to my eyes.   I've been through some hard times lately but God's grace is still sufficient.  

So if you want to show some very much due respect to our military  past and present, teach your children proper respect for our flag and the National Anthem.  


Blogger Robbie Iobst said...

Thank you Ralph. Great reminder to me, a mom with a 9 year old. As I read your post, it occured to me that we have taught him respect for the flag and national anthem, but we haven't taught him enough about WHY we should respect it. We have taught him to stand and put his hand over his heart and all, but not WHY. Thank you, Ralph.

July 8, 2008 at 11:54 AM  

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